How QriosityNet fills in the gaps left by LinkedIn?
Is the life of a student as easy as it may seem to be which is why all the hype is about stepping into the professional world only?
Adulting is said to be hard, but what about student life? Why is it so underestimated because everyone seems to be talking about how taxing the transition from being a student to being unemployed can get and how overwhelming getting sucked into the swirl of job quest can be!
From an onlooker’s perspective, a student’s life is judged to be spoon-fed by academic institutes that cater to their educational needs as well as assist them to carry out the legal proceedings about academic requirements.
To begin with, firstly students entering high school, college/university level seem to be unsure about what is the right option for them when it comes to admissions. Every institute has its own set of eligibility standards, and each student must be a good candidate to meet all of the uniform requirements, which range from grades earned to the level of insight needed to pass the entry exam. With too many choices available, students become confused and need guidance as to which institute is the best fit for their field of interest based on their academic success and what preparation is required to succeed further. This advice would help them in narrowing down the few institutions to which they would like to apply and hopefully, gain admission.
However, getting into the right institute is not the only milestone to be achieved, but there are several other milestones to accomplish throughout a student’s life besides acing academic courses such as proceeding with the transcript, character and migration certificate, affidavit, and all other legalities that are a part of a student’s life.
Secondly, which scholarship programme should be looked into? The internet provides numerous scholarship programmes to both local and international students, sorting through the details of each programme becomes daunting, seems never-ending, and eventually leaves the querent indecisive, prompting the need for guidance while taking the individual’s affordability and viability into consideration.
Searching for beneficiary internships is another concern, as there are many internship opportunities that add little credibility to the student profile or resume, while there are other internships that up- skill the individual in their respective domain and enhance their practical experience, demonstrating their level of expertise in the field.
Last but not least, job hunting is the beginning of an exciting but discouraging journey. With a large pool available of labor and potential candidates, organizations and businesses struggle to provide the ideal vacancy for each person. Again, guidance is required to understand what lies underneath the surface of each opportunity being offered. Will it be a good fit for the individual’s experience and knowledge? Are the working hours, infrastructure, and workplace culture ideal? Is the compensation offered adequate in exchange for the invested time and effort? Many such questions arise in mind, and a ray of light is needed to determine which job best suits each freshly qualified individual.
Oh wait, but LinkedIn exists.. So why opt for QriosityNet..?
Indeed, how can we not mention that a well-known platform like LinkedIn already exists and has wide usage of individuals with professional expertise to bring to the marketplace in terms of providing a forum of advice and scope for professionals. A network where individuals can submit their resumes and companies can search for suitable candidates.
However, the youth joining the workforce are not up to the standards needed by employers, so fresh graduates with little or no practical experience or technical qualifications are overlooked. This is where LinkedIn falls short.
Also, none of the above-mentioned student life issues are addressed by LinkedIn since it only caters to employment-seeking graduates or those who want to further excel in their professional training. All the more reason, the active users of LinkedIn do not encompass school or college-going individuals and only 24% of the active users of LinkedIn comprise individuals aged from 18 to 24 years.
On the other hand, QriosityNet takes into account all of the concerns of students and fresh graduates with no practical experience. Individuals ranging from amateurs to professionals are strategically assured justice and equality at all stages of their career and life. While LinkedIn is focused on boosting overall usage statistics and yet it remains difficult to find the success rate of users including that of novice professionals.
Speaking of where Linked falls short, there are many job hunting sites besides LinkedIn as well, but most of them charge for their services and even keep the first salary as a way of compensation for helping in the job hunt. QriosityNet partners with job offering organizations to offer the available jobs free of cost to students and fresh graduates who are just starting their careers.
So, QriosityNet alleviates academic and career concerns by providing all the resources that make each move attainable. It not only helps students but also emerging professionals and organizations. The lives of students are made easier by taking a hands-on approach to their legal proceedings involving transcripts, certificates, and other relevant documents, none of which is done by LinkedIn.
QriosityNet further provides insight about internships and scholarship programmes which is done by LinkedIn as well but most of the courses offered are not free of cost which is not a considerate attitude towards the pockets of students with minimal or no personal earnings. While QriosityNet prioritizes the students’ needs and offers courses and training pogrammes for free.
An indifferent attitude towards the affordability of starting out individuals is also reflected by LinkedIn by charging $30 for the premium subscription and being able to avail features like who viewed your profile or how do you fare against other applicants for a given job application. While QriosityNet offers this for a small fee of $5 to the students considering that it’s an important feature and students won’t be able to afford it.
A professionally created student profile by QriosityNet further determines the career path chosen for the corresponding person by filtering out the best job opportunities. Similarly, educational institutes gain additional recognition and reputation by getting aligned with the best academic performers, making the admission process smoother and more thoroughly scrutinized. No such approach is carried out by LinkedIn.
Putting forth, LinkedIn doesn’t concentrate on facilitating an individual’s future career success, while companies or individuals are free to fend for themselves.
In a nutshell, QriosityNet fills in the void by exacerbating the path to success and broadens opportunities for students & employees all over the world!
So snap into it & get yourself signed up by clicking at the link below: